Centre for Tuberculosis Research
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Seminars & Events
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Mar. 25 UBC World TB Day
Public Talk: Tuberculosis – a silent local killer and global threat.
Bill Jacobs (Professor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Microbiology & Immunology and Genetics, HHMI )
Kevin Elwood (Clinical Professor Emeritus, UBC, Dept. of Medicine, BC Centre for Disease Control)
Moderator: Jeremy Hirota, Assistant Professor, UBC, Dept. of Medicine.
Vancouver Public Library Square
(6-8 p.m.)
March 24 UBC World TB Day
Keynote Address:
Bill Jacobs (Professor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Microbiology & Immunology and Genetics, HHMI )
“On the Road to Edward Jenner’s Revenge: Killing Persistent Mycobacterium tuberculosis.”
Invited speaker: 

Anamaria Crison – BC Centre for Disease Control
CTBR  speaker:

Israel Casabon, Ph.D. (Microbiology and Immunology, Fac. of Science, UBC)
Mar. 3 Khisi Mdluli, Director, Biology. Global Alliance for TB Drug Development, New-York, N.Y., USA.
“TB Drug Development – Regimens to Shorten Therapy and Combat Resistance”
Feb. 25 Alex Yuen (Hmama Lab) Flavia Sorrentio (Av-Gay lab) VGH
Nov. 26 Adam Crowe (Eltis Lab) Florian Heinkel (McIntosh Lab) UBC
Nov. 18 Heran Dalwin, Prof., Department of Microbiology, New-York Univ. Langone Medical Centre, New-York, N.Y., USA.
“Mycobacterium tuberculosis, proteasomes, pupylation and…plant hormones?”
Oct. 29 Sunil Vij (Hmama Lab) Xingji Xheng (Av-Gay  Lab) VGH
Sept. 24 Santi Ramon-Garcia (Thompson Lab) Matt Salomonson (Strynadka Lab) UBC
June 26 Shaun Lott, Assoc. Prof., University of Auckland, Auckland, New-Zealand.
“Tryptophan biosynthesis and iron acquisition: Possible routes to new TB therapies?”
April 25 Jan Burian (Thompson Lab) Israel Casabon (Eltis Lab) UBC
March 24 UBC World TB Day
Keynote Address:
Anil Koul (Scientific Director and Head, Respiratory Infections Discovery, Johnson and Johnson, Belgium)
“Discovery and development of Bedaquiline – a new drug for treatment of resistant tuberculosis.’
Invited speaker: 

Nash Dhalla, TB Nurse Consultant – BC Centre for Disease Control
“STOP TB Canada Intro” and ” TB nursing in BC “
CTBR  speakers:

Zakaria Hmama, Ph.D. (Div. of Infectious Diseases, Fac. of Medicine, UBC)
“Mycobacterium tuberculosis interference with macrophage innate functions”
Jennifer Gardy (BC Centre for Disease Control and UBC)
“Genomic epidemiology of a shelter-based tuberculosis outbreak: new insights into within-host diversity”
Horacio Bach, Ph.D. (Div.of Infectious Diseases, Fac. of Medicine, UBC)
” Ergothioneine: the mysterious antioxidant molecule”
March 18 UBC World TB Day:
Keynote address:
Prof. Robert Wilkinson (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
“Why are tuberculosis rates so high in Cape Town, South Africa?’Invited speaker:
Victoria Cook, MD, FRCPC
“Provincial strategy for TB elimination”
CTBR speakers:
Yossi Av-Gay, Ph.D., Immunity & Infection Research Center, UBC
“The intracellular life style of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as target for screening new drugs against TB”Israel Casabon, Ph.D., (Eltis Lab, Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, UBC)
“Breaking the rings: Understanding how Mycobacterium tuberculosis degrades cholesterol”Santiago Ramón-García, (Thompson Lab, Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, UBC)
“The TB drug development path: one goal, several routes”Patrick Tang, MD, PhD, FRCP(C),  BC Centre for Disease Control and UBC
“Behind the Scenes at the BC Provincial TB Laboratory”
May 18 Melissa Richard (Av-Gay Lab) Emily Thi (Reiner Lab) VGH
April 20 CANCELLED Jim Sun (Hmama Lab) Matt Solomonson (Strynadka Lab) UBC
March 23 UBC World TB Day
Symposium Keynote address
Ted Cohen, Ass. Prof., Harvard School of Public Health
CTBR speakers:
Israel Casabon (Eltis Lab) and Jenn Gardy (BCCDC)
Feb. 17 Xingji Zhang (Av-Gay Lab) Alice Lau (Hmama Lab) VGH
Jan. 20 Angela Liao (Hmama Lab) S. Ramon-Garcia (Thompson Lab) UBC
Nov. 18 Rick Stokes (UBC) Jenna Capyk (Eltis Lab) UBC
Oct. 21 Jan Burian (Thompson Lab) Leah Lim (Thompson Lab) UBC
May 20 I. Casabon (Eltis Lab) Leah Lim (Thompson Lab) UBC
April 15 Anaxi Gomez (Av-Gay Lab) Emily Thi (Reiner Lab) VGH
March 24 World TB Day
Keynote address:
Pam Chedore, Ontario Agency for Public Health Protection and Promotion
March 15 Special presentation in collaboration with the UBC Dept. of AnthropologyJane E. Buikstra, Regents’ Professor at Arizona State University UBC
Feb. 18 Alice Lau (Hmama Lab) S. Ramon (Thompson Lab) UBC
Jan. 20 Mini-symposium with Keystone Conference participants Children’s
Dec. 17 J. Chao (Av-Gay Lab) Jim Sun (Hmama Lab) VGH
Nov. 19 Jan Burian (Thompson Lab) Kat Yam (Eltis Lab) UBC
Oct. 21 Marcel Behr, McGill University UBC
Oct. 15 V. Poirier (Av-Gay lab) Jenna Capyk (Eltis Lab) UBC
May 14 A. Liao (Hmama lab) V. Somalinga (Mohn Lab) UBC
April 15 Allison Nichols (Stokes lab) Joseph Chao (Av-Gay lab) Children’s
March 24 World TB Day
Keynote address:
Prof. Emer. Prof. Peter Donald, Capetown, Univ. of Stellenbosch, South Africa
March 16 Mamdou Daffe, Université Paul Sabatier and CNRS, Toulouse, France UBC
Feb 19 Jim Sun (Hmama lab) Xingji Zhang (Av-Gay)
Jan 15 Carol Ng (Thompson lab) Audra Vair (Stokes lab) UBC
Jan 11 Paul Ortiz de Montellano, U. of California, San Francisco UBC
Dec 8 Chris Sassetti, U. Massachussetts, Worcester, MA UBC
Nov 20 Santi Ramon-Garcia (Thompson lab) Jenna Capyk (Elits lab) UBC
Oct 16 Kat Yam (Eltis lab) Dennis Wong (Av-Gay lab) UBC
June 5 Vijay Somalinga (Mohn lab) Carola Dresen (Eltis lab) UBC
Apr 27 John Blanchard, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY UBC
Apr 17 Jenna Capyk (Eltis Lab) Dennis Wong (Av-Gay Lab) Children’s
Mar 20 Santiago Ramon-Garcia (Thompson Lab) Rahul Singh (Eltis Lab) UBC
Jan 16 Joseph Chow (Av-Gay Lab) Alice Lau (Hmama Lab) VGH
Dec 15 Tom Alber, University of Berkeley, California UBC
Nov 21 Emily Thi (Reiner Lab) Shifana Lalani (Duong Lab) UBC
Oct 17 Kat Yam (Eltis Lab) Tyler Hickey (Stokes Lab) UBC
Sept 2 Pradip K. Chakraborti, Council of Sci. and Industrial Res. UBC
Jun 26 David Speert Children’s
Mar 19 Jenna Capyk (Eltis Lab) S.  Ramon-Garcia  (Thompson Lab) UBC
Feb 15 Maneesha Dosanjh (Davies Lab) Horacio Bach (Av-Gay Lab) UBC
Jan 18 Jim Sun (Hmama Lab) William Mohn VGH


a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Microbiology & Immunology Department
2350 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Life Sciences Institute
2350 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada

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